The 2019 wildland season is upon us, and whether you are a firefighter or a chief officer, the mapping features in Tablet Command (iPad) and TC Mobile (iOS/Android) can enhance your situational awareness, safety, and effectiveness while responding to wildland fires.
As crews are dispatched, they can immediately view an incident in Tablet Command with a variety of base maps and map layers in the “Overview” screen or by tapping the “Map” tab within an incident on their iPad or Smartphone. In these views responders can see the fire ground from an overhead perspective, providing head start on “LCES” (Lookouts, Communications, Escape Routes, Safety Zones) and insight into situational and resource status.
Topics: Accountability, maps, wildland, incident response, GIS, USNG
Everyone has heard the expression, “knowledge is power”. This is a great sentiment, but what is even more powerful is having instant access to the information you need, when you need it, in an easy to interpret format.
In the fire service, having up-to-date pre-fire plans and reference documents is critical to support response, training and ISO ratings. By knowing the layout and construction of a building, including the locations of fire protection systems, stairwells, emergency exits, etc. first responders can provide optimal protection for occupants and property while enhancing the performance and safety of responding personnel.
Topics: situational awareness, Tablet Command, incident response, Pre-Plan
Real time digital mapping improves turnout and response times and can save the lives of citizens as well as the responders who serve them. Wall maps and map books have been the standard in the public safety for decades.
Emergency response personnel increasingly rely on mobile response and incident management solutions such as Tablet Command.
Topics: mobile incident software, TC Mobile, incident response, incident management
Recently, I attended an in-service instructor class taught by a well-respected subject matter expert. This was a one time only event, so the room was packed. Unfortunately I was seated next to a firefighter with a portable radio.
Inevitably, a run was dispatched, and everyone was distracted by the radio traffic between responders and the dispatch center.
Topics: mobile command, mobile incident software, incident command, incident management software, TC Mobile, Cloud-based incident command software, Resource Management, incident response, incident management