It continues to be VERY busy at work these days. I responded to 7 legitimate working fires for the month of May. And three of those have been two alarm fires. It’s been a really crazy run!
Topics: Accountability, analytics, Apple, Fire ground accountability, Firefighter Assist and Search Team, best practices, Blog, Blue Card, consistency, Fire Command, firefighter, IC, ICS, incident command, iPad, Rapid Accountability, Rapid Intervention Crew, RIC, Tablet Command, training, vision
Two things happened last week in my life as a Fire Captain that simply could not have happened a generation ago.
Topics: Accountability, analytics, Apple, best practices, consistency, Esri, Fire, Fire Command, firefighter, IC, ICS, incident command, iPad, iPad Pro, Tablet Command, tradition, Uncategorized
Here’s a funny fact about entrepreneurs: The most common reason people start businesses is to avoid working for others.
Topics: Accountability, analytics, Apple, Blog, bold, entrepreneur, Fire Command, firefighter, IC, incident command, innovation, iPad, iPad Pro, startup, TabletCommand, vision
For sports fans, myself included, Spring is a wonderful time of year. Of course there’s March Madness and tons of college sports championships, and the NHL, and NBA playoff picture is shaping up.
Topics: analytics, baseball, mobile incident software, Blog, fireground accountability, ICS, iPad, moneyball, Tablet Command, tradition, training