Personnel accountability on the emergency scene has long posed challenges for the fireground Incident Commander (IC). The fire service has employed a number of low tech solutions in an effort to enhance accountability; T Cards, Personnel Accountability Tags (PAT), Passport Systems, and Accountability Officers to name just a few. None of these solutions have provided the real time accuracy required to achieve any meaningful measure of accountability.
Topics: Accountability, Fire ground accountability, staffing
It continues to be VERY busy at work these days. I responded to 7 legitimate working fires for the month of May. And three of those have been two alarm fires. It’s been a really crazy run!
Topics: Accountability, analytics, Apple, Fire ground accountability, Firefighter Assist and Search Team, best practices, Blog, Blue Card, consistency, Fire Command, firefighter, IC, ICS, incident command, iPad, Rapid Accountability, Rapid Intervention Crew, RIC, Tablet Command, training, vision
We’re a long way from the black and white images of cops with their feet up on the desk and firemen playing cribbage in Fire Station USA. Since 9/11 and the dawn of the iPad, emergency services is becoming increasingly armed with the latest and most intuitive technological enhancements from the consumer space to track, measure, and analyze.
Topics: Accountability, Fire ground accountability, mobile incident software, Blog, fireground accountability, incident command
When I look back on my travels and readings from 2014, I logged a tremendous amount of exposure to several different emergency incident command gurus and methodologies. One of the methodologies that I have become a student of, literally, is Blue Card Command. I’m currently enrolled in the online portion of the command course with the classroom portion soon to follow.
Topics: Accountability, Fire ground accountability, Brunacini, Alan Brunacini, temporal awareness, blue card command, Blog, Blue Card