- New Look and Feel improved suitability in low light conditions
- Switch to email keyboard for the login field
- Reset password link included
- Various code updates and bug fixes
- Faster CAD list updates
- CAD Status color dot updated (Green for current, orange for data older than 30 seconds, and black for offline)
- Request for device location only when application is in use in order to support quicker navigation
- Added link to reset password page
Mapping Added to TC Mobile:
- Improved mapping icons (Incident location, Vehicle Location)
- Toggle between incidents and an incident map overview
- Supports consumption of customer ArcGIS Online web maps including customized layers
- Inspect map attributes including GIS points, incident management attributes, and units
- Follow current location at the selected zoom level
- Tap vehicle location for lat/lon
- Reduced user map loading time
- Increased map zoom capability
- Incidents map overview support - view all the incidents on a map
Improve incident detail by adding two more tabs:
- Map view for current incident, including units, hazards, AVL
- Units list view, including support for managed incidents actions (Assignment, Time Assigned, Groups/divisions)
- And continue to view incident comments (including comments from the managed incidents)