On Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 Tablet Command will release Tablet Command and TC Mobile 3.6.2 to the App Store. These releases have improvements to the More Button, enhancements to the App Support menu and include performance enhancements, and bug fixes.
Tablet Command and TC Mobile
- Moved Upload Logs and Database feature to the top of the Support Menu
- Fixed issue where Map Layers did not respect popup enable/disable
- Fixed issue where Map Center on vehicle/user did not always work
- Fixed typo in In-App Audio user interface
- Addressed Random Zonehaven Crash
- Fixed issue with MMPK Import and duplicate files with same names
- Fixed address being cropped on map popover for incidents with long addresses
Tablet Command
- Added additional URL Tokens to More Button
- Fixed More Button issue where allow external setting does not propagate sometimes
- Fixed More Button issue where “Unknown” screen sometimes showed
- Fixed issue where Swap Vehicle screen was cut off on smaller iPads
- Fixed duplicate notes in Activity Log Record
- Fixed issue where Long Press left a shadow
- Fixed issue where transfer control failed in rare cases
Note: This will be a phased release over two weeks. To get this update right away, update from the App Store or your MDM solution.